1st South-East European Conference on Travel, Tropical, Migration Medicine and HIV and the 2nd Croatian Conference on Travel, Tropical, Migration Medicine and HIV which will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 28 – October 1, 2017 More…
1st South-East European Conference on Travel, Tropical, Migration Medicine and HIV and the 2nd Croatian Conference on Travel, Tropical, Migration Medicine and HIV which will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 28 – October 1, 2017 More…
In 2015, major breakthroughs were made in managing HCV and/or HIV infections. Twenty-five years following the discovery of the hepatitis C virus, the groundbreaking discoveries of highly efficient antiviral regiments changed the face of HCV treatment. The new generation of highly effective direct acting antivirals…
CroCTM&HIV 2015 has assembled an array of world renowned speakers who will share, discuss and debate on the latest developments, current studies and research findings for the management of travel, tropical and migrants health issues. They are dedicated not only sharing with you their medical…
With an estimated 400,000-800,000 people immigrants arriving in EU countries just in 2015, there can be little doubt that migration is among the leading issues of the 21st century. The growing numbers of migrants and asylum seekers fleeing turmoil in Africa and the Middle East…
U posljednjih nekoliko godina se bilježi značajan porast broja oboljelih od ospica u Europi i Americi. Europski centar za kontrolu bolesti (ECDC, http://www.ecdc.europa.eu/) je izvijestio kako su, kao i u većini zemalja u razvoju, ospice ponovno endemske u mnogim dijelovima Europe upravo zbog smanjenja u…
Epidemija ebole koja je u toku je najveća do sada zabiliježena i zahvatila je nekoliko zemalja u Zapadnoj Africi. Počela je u Gvineji u prosincu 2013. i proširila se na Liberiju i Sierra Leone. Mali broj slučajeva je zamijećen u Nigeriji i jedan u Senegalu…
U prosincu 2013. SZO je izvijestila pojavu lokalne transmisije chikungunya virusa u Saint Martin-u. To je prvi put da je lokalna transmisija chikungunye zabilježena u Americi. Zaraženi komarci šire virus na ljude. Lokalni prijenos je od tada zabilježen i u ostalim državama na Karibima. Chikungunya…